Consultancy Services


Material Testing Services

Pinaka consultancy services provide Water proofing includes Brick bat coba, Membrane water proofing, Box water proofing, All types of coating etc.

We are specialized in the material testing Services… .... Various testing services provided by us includes……

  • Cement Testing
  • Consistency Test of cement
  • Initial & Final Setting Time Test of cement
  • Fineness Test by Sieve of cement
  • Fineness Test by specific Surface by Blain air permeability of cement
  • Soundness test of cement by Le-Chatilier method
  • Compressive strength
  • Chemical Analysis of Cement
  • Steel / Reinforcement Testing
  • Unit Weight
  • Ultimate Tensile Strength
  • Yield Stress
  • Elongation
  • Bend Test
  • Re-bends Test
  • Concrete Testing
  • Compressive strength/li>
  • Flexural Strength Test/li>
  • Workability of Concrete test by using slump test method/li>
  • Concrete test with core drilling
  • Bricks Testing
  • Dimensions & Tolerance Test
  • Efflorescence Test
  • Water Absorption Test
  • Compressive Strength Test
  • Coarse Aggregate Testing
  • Sieve Analysis (Gradation)Test
  • Bulk Density Test
  • Flakiness Index Test
  • Elongation Index Test
  • Impact Value Test
  • Loss Angles Abrasion Value Test
  • Crushing Value Test
  • Specific Gravity Test
  • Ten Percent Fines Value Test
  • Alkali Aggregate Reactivates Test
  • Water Absorption Test
  • Soundness Test
  • Soil Testing
  • Bulk Density
  • Moisture content
  • Specific Gravity
  • Sieve Analysis
  • Hydrometer Analysis
  • Atterberg's Limits - Liquid Limit / Plastic Limit /Plasticity Index
  • Shrinkage Limit
  • Proctor Density -Standard
  • Proctor Density -Modified
  • CBR Test-Unsoaked
  • CBR Test-Soaked
  • Direct Shear -Undrained
  • Direct Shear -Drained
  • Free Swell Index
  • Classification of Soil as per Grain size & Atterberg's Limits Specified
  • Uniformity Coefficient including Sieve Analysis
  • Coefficient of curvature including Sieve Analysis
  • Permeability Test Constant Head Method
  • Permeability Test Variable Head Method
  • Water and Waste Water Testing
  • pH,Turbidity
  • Alkalinity
  • COD
  • BOD
  • MPN
  • TDS
  • Hardness